A Poem By Joy Aletheia Stevens
There is a point of light I see,
Just a tiny needle point in a vast blue sea,
Winking, blinking, it shines down on me,
Shimmering, gazing, almost singing to me.
I see a diamond on a velvet field,
Not a single solitaire, but a countless yield!
Each of these diamonds that I see,
More precious and rare then any there be.
I gaze and see an ageless wonder,
Dancing a dance of ancient times,
Singing a song of praise to an Eternal Father,
In steady faithfulness, perfect rhythm and rhyme.
And in the silence of the still night
I gaze in awe at the wondrous sight.
I listen to there old ageless song
And I humbly sing along.
Then as I sit whispering praise,
And I wonder at my Saviors grace,
I look on the stars forever the same,
And I think of the wonder: each has a name!
I whisper a prayer.
The moon starts to rise.
I lay my heart bare
Before the most Ancient and Wise.
And as I gaze at the stars He knows by name,
Each unique, and none the same,
My heart makes a childish plea:
Could He name a star for me?
He determines the number of the stars and call them each by name. Psalm 147:4
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1
~Joy Aletheia Stevens
Photo Credit: by Temari 09 (CC BY 2.0)
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