We’ve come to the last chapter in Numbers. The last post in our study. What have we learned? What have we seen? Why was this all recorded? To create Legacy.
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As we finish Numbers we revisit the daughters of Zelophehad. The people of the their tribe are concerned about what would happen to the daughters inheritance once they marry. Will the land be given to the tribe of their husbands? Would the land of the tribe of Manasseh be diminished? Would the legacy of Manasseh decrease?
So much of Numbers is about legacy. It is about the intimacy of a God and His people, of His promises and blessings bestowed on them, of their learning to be humble and trusting before Him, and it is all recorded, every name and every instruction, as a legacy to their children after them.
These are the commands and regulations that the Lord gave to the people of Israel through Moses while they were camped on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho. Numbers 36:13
He wants to communicate, not just to these people, but to all the people that follow! Because all of these things that were so crucial in these generations would still be crucial in the generations that follow! He’s doing something great, and it is a plan that spans generations and peoples and decades and millennia, until it extends to us and our very hearts.
What is He communicating to your heart today? What battles is he calling you to? What heritage is He wanting to grow in your family and in your heart? How is He growing thanksgiving in your life? Where is your heart attitude? What purpose has He called you to?
As I’ve read this book the theme that has stood out in my life is intimacy with God and having faith in God’s promises in my life. I’ve felt called to have the kind of faith that would face giants because I know those giants are nothing compared to my God, to no longer hesitate to go for all the things I’ve felt called to do because I question myself, but to put those questions aside because I know He is strong.
I want to be trusting before Him, to have faith in His blessings and not question Him.
I want to be spurred on by thankfulness, recognizing all that He has done, keeping my eyes on Christ and not my weakness, not the giants.
I want to see the manna, not ask for cucumbers.
[Tweet “I want to see #manna! Not ask for cucumbers!”]
So often I fail. I see our bank account and instead of seeing all the provision I’m tempted to only see all the “things” we don’t have. I see my own fragility, something I’m so familiar with, and hesitate to push myself forward to go after dreams. I see my smallness compared to the challenges I face, instead of His hugeness.
But that isn’t the kind of legacy I want to leave behind!
I have a daughter, a beautiful child, a miracle. I so want to teach her to be strong and faithful! I so want to teach her how to not be fearful, but confident in purpose, humble and thankful, and blessed.
Children. They are our legacy. The Israelites were God’s children, His legacy. The tribes decendents were their legacy, the land they would pass down their legacy. My daughter is my legacy.
I’m also God’s child. I’m also His legacy. What does my life speak of? What does this legacy that I am testify to?
[Tweet “I am #GodsChild! I am God’s #Legacy Does my life #Testify about Him?”]
I want to leave behind a legacy, like my grandfather left behind for me, his books line my shelves, books about faith, scripture, and the gospel. A man whose comforting voice read to his grandchildren every Christmas Eve the story of the birth of Christ!
On this last post of our Numbers study I pray that we each can look at out lives and ask ourselves that question: Does my life testify to the legacy of Christ in my life?
Thank you for joining me in studying Numbers. I hope the study blessed you as much as it blessed me!
Have a Merry Christmas!
Joy Aletheia Stevens
I hope you plan to join me as we start a new book next year! Job!
Have you been studying Numbers with me? I’m Blogging through the Bible with Good Morning Girls!
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