My thoughts this morning turned towards the concepts of tithing, and giving to the poor.
It can be a difficult subject matter because many people can feel like the “church” or other organization is “shaming” you into giving. But what if you don’t have the finances to really give much?
My mind went to the widow who gave her last coin, and how Jesus honored her above the rich people, because she gave out of her lack everything she had, and therefore knew real sacrifice. Many in this age of financial difficulty can empathize with that widow, it was all she had, all she had to live on, she could have kept it. What great faith she must have had to give it to God at the temple.
The rich people gave much, and were of course noticed for it, and praised by men. But was it any sacrifice to them? They gave much, but they had much left over and even if they felt the loss a little, their comfort level was certainly not in jeopardy.
The widow, however, gave only a very small amount, not enough to be noticed by man, and only God saw her. Yet for her, this was a huge sacrifice.
As I contemplated her I realized something that I thought rather amazing.
You see those of us who have very little right now, who don’t know how on earth we can give anything and still eat, we have a unique opportunity! We have the honor of being able to give out of our lack, not for mans praise but for God’s! He will honor that.
In fact, in some ways, it is an honor for us to have such an opportunity! The rich don’t have it and can’t, unless God changes their circumstances. Therefore, Give God Praise! And Give!
I know that is hard, it is hard to have the faith that God won’t let you go hungry because you obeyed Him, but He won’t. He will provide for you. God owns everything! He doesn’t need your money! But your faith, your submission to Him, even when your physical mind can’t make sense of it. Especially when your physical mind can’t make sense of it! This is of infinite value to Him! For you to value Him above your money. Value helping others above your own comfort, that, my friend, is of infinite value to Him.
~Joy Aletheia Stevens
Photo Credit: By Trevor Grant (CC BY 2.0)
Well said, Joy
there is so much more to this whole concept of giving. I am still putting it together, but you have added an interesting point – that giving when you are in need is an honor, an opportunity. thanks!
btw – love the name of your blog!
Giving out of sacrifice yields rewards we can’t even fathom this side of heaven!
Amen! It may seem upside down to give when you feel you have nothing, but honestly, giving is such a blessing! 🙂