Isn’t it strange sometimes how God chooses to teach us?
He teaches us about hope in the middle of times of fear.
He teaches us about grace in the middle of times of hurt.
He teaches us about thankfulness in the middle of times of need.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and a thank offering and into His courts with praise! Be thankful and say so to Him, bless and affectionately praise His name! Psalm 100:4 AMP
Last Sunday night, after an evening of weeping in frustration, I picked up the book by [ad name=”Dayspring One Thousand Gifts text link”].
I don’t want to give away the whole book, in case you haven’t read it. But it is so worth the read. The main theme?
Living a full life of thanksgiving.
I’m not finished yet, but by the third chapter I was on my face before God, overcome with conviction over my ingratitude.
I have a home, I have clothes, I have a loving family and friends, I have so much!
When was the last time I had thanked God?
I’m not talking about a few rushed words over a meal, I’m talking about a heart bowed low in true, worshipful, gratitude.
Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will]. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 AMP
Things may be difficult right now. But how much do I show my lack of faith when I sit around weeping with stress? Don’t I trust Him? Don’t I trust that no matter what is going on He has me in His hands? Will I only thank Him in my times of overflow and blessing and comfort of self? Am I so selfish? Am I so self-righteous as to think that my situation is in any way in my own hands and not His?
If my life were in my hands I’d have a right to be stressed. All of this would be up to me, up to my wisdom, up to my abilities.
My life is not in my hands.
Will I accept only what I call good out of the hands of God? Will I not accept that everything sifts through His hands and He always has my good in mind?
Shouldn’t I open my eyes and heart to Him and simply trust that He has something for me, even here?
And then I go down to the mailbox. I find shoes from my in-laws for my little girl. Oh that I would love them better. I find bills in an envelope, a love gift from a sister-in-Christ I barely know. Oh that my faith rested more secure.
In the day of my trouble I will call on You, for You will answer me. Psalm 86:7 AMP
Why only thank after the answer?
Oh that my faith can grow. That my trust can grow. That my thankfulness can grow.
I’m endeavoring to slow down and watch for things to Thank God for. A trip to the park, a beautiful feather, a striped acorn. Beautiful toddler eyes filled with happiness.
With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to You; I will give thanks and praise Your name, O Lord, for it is good. Psalm 54:6 AMP
An offering of thanksgiving.
Your vows are upon me, O God; I will render praise to You and give You thank offerings. Psalm 56:12 AMP
I’ve written before about how life is all about where your focus is. Ann Voskamp in some ways reminded me of what I already knew. My focus has slipped. Slipped from His face down to my bank account. Forgetting that I am His child and He owns everything, so the miniscule numbers on a computer screen really don’t matter.
My focus was on tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, and not on the now that He has provided me.
My focus was on all that I don’t have, and not all that He has given.
My focus was on me, my wants, my desires, not Him and His.
I opened my eyes to Him again, but it is so hard to keep them open. So hard not to slip back into ingratitude.
It is a daily walk, an exercise of grace and faith and thankfulness.
Today I choose to walk His path.
Will you walk it with me?
I will give to the Lord the thanks due to His rightness and justice, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High. Psalm 7:17 AMP
Joy Aletheia Stevens
Giveaway announcement and affiliate disclaimer: I’m going to be reviewing the book [ad name=”Dayspring One Thousand Gifts text link”] sometime in the coming weeks, and I’m even considering running a giveaway! (No, I’m not going to give up my copy, I’ll get another) Meanwhile, if you don’t want to wait for the giveaway, the links in this post are affiliate links and if you click them you will be taken to Dayspring where you can purchase the book! If you would prefer to purchase from Amazon the affiliate link is here: [ad name=”Amazon One Thousand Gifts Text Link”] Affiliate links mean that if you do choose to purchase I will make a small commission, but don’t worry, it won’t change your price in any way. It may, however, help me keep the site going, and maybe pay for some groceries. So Thanks!
I LOVED One Thousand Gifts when I first read it. Yes, first read it, as I have read it since 🙂 It is a book which sheds such truth and wisdom in thankfulness. Wonderful post. Visiting from Equipping Godly Women & I do think this is my very first time here so, nice to “meet” you 🙂
Thank you for stopping by! Nice to “meet” you too! I think I’ll probably read One Thousand Gifts many times also, it really is that good isn’t it? There are books that you forever find yourself returning to. And her style of writing is so beautiful. She makes her words into art, and her art is in words! But I’ll save that for the review. So much of what she is writing feels like concepts I “knew” but had never journeyed so deeply into.
Joy, you are doing an amazing job of speaking truth to yourself (and to us!). So thankful that my life is not in my hands and that God gives us grace to choose faith each moment. Thank you for sharing your heart. 1 Samuel 2:30 – “Those who honor Me, I will honor.”
Thank you! I’m glad my words can bless. I think I find that sharing helps me just as much as it might anyone else.
I’ve heard good things about that book. I should get around to reading it one of these days (just like the 1,000 other things I should get around to!) So glad that everything is working out a little better or you! God is always faithful. We just don’t always see it. Thanks for sharing on Equipping Godly Women Fellowship Fridays!
There are always so many things we need to get around to isn’t there? I’d been meaning to get around to this book for so long and hadn’t, but I’m pretty sure now that I picked it up just when God wanted me to. 🙂
Good insights!
Thanks Mom!
An attitude of gratitude goes a long long way. It makes your life better and you see things in a different and more beautiful perspective. You lose nothing, you gain so many things along the way. Great post!
Thank you! And you’re so right. An attitude of gratitude does sooooo much for you and your life!