When I saw this book in the list of books available to review I was ecstatic! I’d heard about it and was very eager to be able to read and review it. It actually came in a bit before the last book I reviewed, but as the last book was a Christmas book I decided to review it first in order to get that review out before Christmas.
Sara Hagerty, not unlike Ann Voskamp, writes her lessons by writing her story. I’m finding this way of sharing truths about God to be refreshing and effective. If you think about it the whole of the Bible is one big story of teaching, and the greatest personal message for the world each of us has is our own, personal, stories.
Sara’s is a story of grief brought into joy, of barrenness brought into fruitfulness, and of death brought to life. The theme of this book, if I had to name one, is showing God’s ability to work in our darkest places, to bring His greatest light. She tenderly brings you with her on the journey of her life as God pursued her. Often it seemed she became most available to Him during times of her greatest pain. In those moments He was able to reveal Himself to her for who He truly is, and not who she had made Him out to be.
This journey can be familiar for many, and parts of it were achingly familiar to me. One of the catalysts that God uses in her life is long term infertility and the ache of her heart for healing in her body. I, obviously with my two-year-old sleeping in the next room, have not suffered infertility, although I’ve known those who have. My mother actually suffered through infertility for about 13 years before God blessed her with my brother and myself. Still, the ache she describes, the feeling of being overlooked and forgotten and somehow less, these were familiar to me as I’ve had to journey through chronic disease of my own. Especially that word, overlooked, I’ve definitely been there, and so her words and journey really touched me as God showed His glory in her weaknesses.
She also writes about her journey into adoption from Africa, and I have to say God shows up all over those pages in so many ways. The provision and out-right miracles that God worked out not only showed so strongly God’s love for her, but also His fantastic, indescribable, love for these little beautiful babies that He had destined for her arms.
This book is very touching, and I think it will touch you life and heart if you let it. I definitely recommend it. I pray that it will awaken new hungers for God in your life, as you read about hunger awakening in hers.
Joy Aletheia Stevens
Disclaimers: I received this book for free to review from BookLook Bloggers, all opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links. For more about affiliate links and other policies see the Privacy Policies page.
Looks like a good book! If only I had time to read… lol.