I’ve already talked about how I love all the blogging friends I’m making as I journey along on this adventure of writing and sharing words. One of those blogger friends is Maria Hass from Confessions of a First Timer!
Confession: I think Maria is pretty cool. And she has been inspiring me lately in more than a few ways.
You see, I have all this medical junk, and I keep trying to not let it get me down, but I often fail at that. Now generally speaking I don’t meet many people who could relate, I meet some, but not many, in my day to day life.
Maria was diagnosed with RA. It’s not the same condition as me, but stems from the same cause, autoimmune. She’s pushed through, with God’s miraculous touch and diet and exercise she’s off her meds, in a good way! She’s lost weight and is thriving, and at the same time she’s holding down the fort of her home and homeschooling her kids!
Yeah, she’s pretty much a rock star to me right now.
And day by day she’s posting about her journey and encouraging others on the way.
Now that’s a blog you need to read!
Don’t you think?
Say Hello to Maria!
If you could only teach one lesson to your kids what would it be?
If I fail at homeschooling everything else, I want my kids to know God’s Word – and that it IS LIVING and ACTIVE, sharper than a double-edged sword… That they CAN turn to the Bible for answers about everything in life, that God speaks through the Bible, and that it is completely safe and trustworthy to build your life based on what that book says! I feel like if I have failed at THIS, then I failed at homeschooling.
What is something that you hope for right now that can’t be seen any other way except by faith?
How does faith make it clear? This is a tough one. But I am hoping for us to be home owners. And I feel like I will end up writing a book or two. And I will be a certified personal trainer and a group fitness instructor. Our finances are not very encouraging, especially since I won’t sacrifice homeschooling for extra cash. And I wouldn’t even know where to begin writing a book. And being a certified personal trainer requires expensive certifications (maybe not as much as a college degree, but still not doable under our current budget). Faith makes it clear because I feel like I can’t let these dreams go, and I believe that God can work around any of our struggles to make these things happen.
If you had one wish that could be granted, what would it be?
I would wish for the veil of delusion to be lifted from everyone’s eyes, that we would all have the capacity to recognize truth when we see or hear it. Even if at this point, mankind chooses to reject the truth, I wish that truth would be made clear to all of us. I’ve witnessed a lot of moments that have made me think some people are in an alternate dimension – as if they can’t possibly be living and conscious on the same planet as I am! And that’s when the Lord revealed to me that they probably aren’t living on the same planet because the veil over their eyes has distorted reality and common sense. And it’s a demonic veil putting people in “dimension x” of sorts. Considering that the Bible says in the end times, even God’s people will be deceived… I wish we could all recognize the truth.
Do you see a link between fitness and faith?
Yes I do! I personally don’t think I could have one without the other. I think many Christians don’t see the link because they confuse “fitness” with this body image hype – which is quite vain, actually! I don’t find it Biblical to try to have the perfect bust-waist-hip ratio, or be so obsessed with how I look… but then again, that’s not fitness! But the Bible does talk about gluttony, and laziness, and warns us against both. And the Bible tells us that our body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. If I saw someone walk in to the sanctuary of my church with bags of McDs, and litter the pews with French Fries, I would tell them off (worst case scenario) or ask them to clean up after themselves and bring their food to the kitchen area. But if my body in itself is a temple, should I really litter myself with junk food all the time? Is that the best way to show respect to the God who created me and wants to dwell in me? Not saying that Pastors NEVER eat McD’s inside the church building, ever. But you and I both would agree that it is not always appropriate. The Bible also says that we are to train SPIRITUALLY the way athletes train PHYSICALLY, and if you don’t know how to discipline yourself toward a physical goal how can you appropriate this discipline towards a spiritual one? And let’s not forget, exercise makes even atheists pray. Ask anyone who holds a plank or runs a half marathon if they did it without prayer… At one point or another, if you’re pushing hard enough, you’re calling out to God for help!
About Maria:
Maria is 30 years old, happily married homeschooling mom of three kids, and owner of a cute little Corgi dog. She was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2013, but by 2014 the Lord has healed her through half supernatural intervention and half clean-eating/exercise. Since she was diagnosed, she lost 30 lbs. (and counting!), has run 240 miles (and counting!), and has been cleared by her doctor to be medication free. She shares about her faith, homeschooling, family, and fitness at her blog, Confessions of a First Timer.
Where to begin reading? Here are some posts from Confessions of a First Timer!
You know you want to read more!
For more from her be sure to follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!
Thank you! As I sit in yoga pants and I’m covered in kitchen grime, and I did NOT work out all day, I confess I don’t feel like a rock star. But I definitely appreciate your love and support! And I’m glad that I can inspire you through my confessions (and my imperfections)!
Maria you’re a kindred spirit and I appreciate you!