For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Romans 1:21
This verse.
It’s hard.
It lays out a truth that we’d rather skip over so very often.
Because just because we think we know Him, doesn’t mean we are serving Him.
And just because we think we serve Him, doesn’t mean we know Him.
It is something I see over and over and over again and it grieves my heart.
People who want God on their terms.
We want to be able to say a prayer and then be on our way. We don’t want to give over our lives to Him, just let Him clean up our pain. But we are not willing to hand over Lordship to Him.
That isn’t how it works.
The Christian life is not about saying a prayer and getting into heaven.
The Christian life is about laying down our lives for His glory, and giving thanks.
Let’s face it, let’s be honest, brutally honest.
That isn’t what we want.
We want a pretty, sanitized life, of blessing and wholeness and “having it together.” We want to be impressive and to be praised. Not to praise.
When was the last time you gave thanks? Were humbled in true gratitude? Or have you been to busy giving yourself a pat on the back for a job well done?
The Christian life isn’t about being pretty. It is about living a life of radical worship, radical thanksgiving, and radical sacrifice.
Is that how you live?
Is that how I live?
Do I serve God only with my lips? Know Him only in my mind?
Do I live to glorify Him? Or myself?
They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator- who is forever praised. Amen. Romans 1:25
Oh that I would always seek to live in His truth! Oh that I will always live radically!
But every day I find that this is a commitment I must renew.
There are so many conflicting messages coming to my ears. Messages like, find what makes you happy, go after your dreams. So much about me! When true happiness , fulfillment, purpose, only comes with getting my eyes off me and onto Christ!
I want to live radically for God’s glory!
Thank you Joy, for this. The Lord has been reminding me that He is looking for those who would DEVOTE themselves to be close to Him. “‘who is he who will devote himself to be close to me?’ declares the LORD.” – Jeremiah 30:21
Yes, it can be a sobering heart check can’t it? We so often let life drown out the One who should have our whole heart!